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The APNaCoS project "Antibacterial and antiviral properties of nano-coated surfaces" N1-0264 »Antibakterijske in protivirusne lastnosti nano prevlečenih površin« is financed by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency ARIS. The financing was granted as part of the public call for co-financing of Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Seal of Excellence research projects.

The Financing is obtained for a period of 18 months with the start of the project from November 1st, 2022. 

Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) as an independent public funding organisation perform tasks relating to the National Research and Development Programme and creation of European Research Area.



  • provides framework for scientific research within the national budget and other sources,

  • promotes high quality scientific research in Slovenia and its application,

  • fosters internationally comparable evaluation standards in Slovenia,

  • provides the transparency of organising research community in Slovenia,

  • promotes international research cooperation,

  • analyses R&D activities and provides science policy expertise.


University of Ljubljana (UL) provides full support of Knowledge Transfer Office, Research Support Office and HR Office. They provide full access to the libraries, training courses and data storage repositories at UL. UL also provides infrastructure for open access publication and data storage within UL repository which is OpenAIRE compliant. Moreover, the UL has EC award label “HR Excellence in Research” and is committed to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers.

The Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Ljubljana is the largest and oldest higher education and scientific research institution in the field of healthcare in Slovenia. The faculty participates in the international and scientific-research domain through international mobility within the framework of EU programmes like EUREKA, FP7, Horizon 2020, COST, ERA-Net CORNET, TEMPUS, ERASMUS+ and will provide technical support during the training.

The host and the supervisor provide the infrastructure and techniques necessary for project progress and meeting the set objectives in the proposed project on the Faculty of Health Sciences (UZV, particle charge detector, microplate reader, camera for microscopic examinations). Moreover, based on supervisor’s long-term collaboration with the Institute Jožef Stefan some of the techniques will be used there (DLS, SEM, HR-TEM, UV/Vis, AFM) and the technical staff working on the instruments will provide training for my independent usage of the instrumental techniques.

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